Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fetal Matter

 Allison is in her 6th month of pregnancy and we found out a few weeks ago we'll be having a girl.  Although I never question whether or not it would be a girl, I was still hoping (a little) that it was a boy.  I had envisioned Eli and his younger brother playing karate kid, catching grass snakes, and doing front flips off the couch like my brothers and I, but now I have the joy of envisioning him and his little sister doing those things together.  There's a good chance she'll be a tom-boy, a slim chance she'll be 'super girly', and no chance that she will be a wimp - she has way too many tough girl cousins.

Eli is 11 months old, which means he'll be around 15 months when our little girl is here.  We weren't exactly planning to have them so close in age, but it should be fun and crazy around the house for a while.  I'm thinking we'll have 3 more after this one, Allison isn't thinking that so much (but maybe with a little peer pressure she'll give in).  Eli's been walking since 9 1/2 months and is looking like a walking champ.  I'm also officially crowning him the fastest 11 month stair climber in the world.  He eats normal food, still poops his pants, can give high fives (occasionally), and loves his mommy.

We bought a house the end of September and have really enjoyed it.  We now live in Richmond (3 minutes from Sugar Land) and have some great neighbors - one is an Aggie.  We've since had an outdoor movie in our backyard, played ping-pong in our garage, and hosted a Thanksgiving pot luck with friends we are grateful to have.  Allison even cooked a 22 lb. turkey for the meal!  One of Allison's favorite things about being here is that she gets to decorate an entire house for Christmas (our neighborhood is known for its Christmas lights).  So, our house is looking like the north pole and thanks to my grandma we have an awesome tree.  As soon as I finish putting up lights I'll post a picture.

We were able to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with family back in Paris.  We enjoyed our stay and were able to see all the family.  For the first time my brothers and I, along with our kids, were at the same place.  We enjoyed dinner, a bonfire, the 3-3 football game, seeing my dad and grand-dad, and all the food.  We also spent Thanksgiving lunch with Allison's family - all 30-something of them.  They have a large clan.