We finally got a dog and I think he's the best dog in the world. I'm a proud dad. If not the best dog, then definitely in the top 10. His name is Bogey and we got him from my grandma when he was a little over a year old. He knows how to sit and how to go to bed when you tell him to. He can also sing a mean karaoke version of 'Single Ladies'. Just kidding, everyone knows dogs can't sing karaoke - but only because they have a difficult time reading the words. Maybe if the words were written in 'dog' then they could. That was a joke too. (insert laugh here)
Allison and I enjoy bike riding. Allison had the idea of bringing Bogey on our bike ride the other day. I thought we would just hold a leash while he ran, but no, Allison had a brilliant idea. Instead of Bogey having to do all that running she wanted to strap a blue crate to the back of my bike and let him ride in it. See the pictures below.
Cute, right? We rode around for about twenty minutes and he did great. We had the bottom of the crate padded with a blanket and he sat and enjoyed the ride probably more than we did. However, on our way back home, as we passed two kids and their dog, Bogey decides that it would be a good idea to jump out of the crate after the dog. It wasn't the worst idea, but we had a leash tied very short (I thought too short for him to jump out) to the inside of the crate. When he jumped out he didn't go far, because the leash stopped him. I don't have a picture of Bogey being hung by the leash but it wasn't a good sight. I saw the shadow of his little body dangling beside the bike, then I heard Allison behind my telling me to stop, so I reached back and threw him back in the crate. The funniest thing was the faces of the kids! I can only imagine the story they went home with.
After having a dog that I really enjoy I can understand why a person would pay a lot of money to keep a pet around. That doesn't mean that I will, I'm just a little more understanding.