Love for your children should never be performance based, however, is it ok to get really, really, really, really excited when they do something awesome? Some people climb Mt. Everest, some scale the Himalayas, other may swim the English channel. Eli climbed over his 'Boppy'.
Eli Update
Eli is 3 months old and we're finally getting the hang of this parenting thing - too bad they keep changing. Since last week he's made life a little easier on us by deciding to sleep through the night. We'll put him in bed around 9p and he doesn't wake until 8:30ish. It's GLORIOUS. He smiles more, laughs a lot, and enjoys talking to his mama (goo-goos and gah-gahs obviously translate to 'I love you mommy and daddy'). The worst thing about him getting older are his poops. They smell very bad. Overall, we'll give him a 10 out of 10 on the awesome baby scale and we're very fortunate to have such an easy baby (I'm told they're not all like that).
Gary and Allison Update
We're doing great - most of the time anyways. I suppose any day you wake up to a job, smiling baby boy, food, a roof over your head, and people who love you is a great day. Allison is beginning to work on concocting her own recipes for a future cook book. She made some sort of lamb/croissant role tonight that might add a few pounds to the posterior, but it was finger-lickin good. I'm finishing up the semester with Young Life and getting ready for the summer. Along with taking students to camp two different weeks, I have an assignment this summer at Frontier Ranch (YL Camp in CO) for a month that I'll be able to bring Allison and Eli on. Apart from Young Life we've been enjoying our church (Grandview Fellowship) where I teach high school kids on Sunday morning.
Our good friend and fellow YL leader, Nicole Prosser took some great pictures of our family that I'll leave you with.