We had an amazing holiday season full of traveling, family, friends, new experiences, and lots of goodies of course!
As many of you know we just hit the 1 year mark! Whoop for marriage! We decided since life has been mostly insane the past year we needed to get away, so we took advantage of our good buddy Bryan and stayed at his families ranch house in Hearne, TX. We were there just for a weekend, but it was a good time of just relaxing, 4wheeler riding, fishing, roasting smores, classic movies, and enjoying each others presence - uninterrupted.
On from there we drove to Paris for Christmas festivities. We had a blast and drove back to Sugar Land on Christmas night in order to leave the following morning for our YL ski trip. As the gypsies we are, we set off with around 50 people total, including the San Antonio YL crew, on a near 30 hour bus ride up to Crooked Creek Ranch in Winter Park, CO. We skied for 3 days, of which I only skied 2, and for my first time skiing I have to say I am proud of myself for only falling once - thank you very much!
When we got back home, we spent most of the week cleaning house, visiting people, and packing again to leave for yet another trip to CO where we currently are residing for the next 2 weeks. Gary is attending YL's 1st year staff training, and I am just soakin up the sun on the glorious snow-laden mountains at Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista, CO.
Needless to say its been a pretty eventful, fun, and somewhat tiring holiday season. I'll leave you with some pictures of all of these events...
These are our beautiful nieces Cydnie, and her new baby sister, Criss

This is my mom's side of the family... there's never a crowd when its the one's you love

And the rest are from Winter Park, CO... Young Life Ski Trip 2008!
dude! your break sounds great. I am so stoked to hear from you, so I will link to your blog so I can read you now(:
P.S. I too am scared of Christian Vanilla Ice
Beautiful shots! We love you stinkin' gypsies! I'm so glad that y'all have had such a good 2008! Yeah, for 2009!
Glad to hear that y'all are busy and well! Let's hang out again when your schedules calm down a bit :)
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