On a different note.
I've never liked it when a couple devotes their entire blog to updating everyone on their new baby, so I will try hard not to do the same. Don't get me wrong, I'll post updates on Eli, but I don't want this to turn into a baby blog. So, he is healthy (as far as we know), moving around a lot (keeping Mom awake at night), and will be with us shortly. I'll add pictures of Allison and I as babies below just to give you an idea of what he may look like.

And here's our most recent funny story: While in Paris, Allison and I stopped at Sonic for a burger during lunch - the fact that we ordered a burger is irrelevant - and I also ordered a cup of water. I sat the cup in the console of our vehicle. That night, Allison placed her tissue (filled with snot) inside the cup - I did not see her do this. When we got out of the car, I grab the cup and began drinking from it. I did notice it tasted a little different, but didn't stop drinking until Allison said, "Gary, I put my snot tissue in there!". Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
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